xiaojf said this at Sat, 14 May 2005 21:36:45 +0800:

>I  can code the cycle in ConTeXt,but it's too ugly and I will try to
>improve it.
>here is my code:
>\matrix{A+B&{\Delta G_1\atop\rightleftharpoons}&AB\cr
>\Delta G_3\!\!\upharpoonleft\!\downharpoonright&&
>\upharpoonleft\!\downharpoonright\!\!\Delta G_4\cr
>A'+B&{\rightleftharpoons\atop\Delta G_2}&A'B\cr}

Hmm. It seems like a reasonable starting point, but I'll admit this is
beyond my abilities to fix over this weekend. I hope some other TeXnician
might come along and offer some advice.

Best of luck,

>There is a similar example in "The TeXbook"(example 18.46).
>You can try the follow code:
>\lineskip3pt \lineskiplimit3pt }
>0&\mapright{}&{\cal O}_C&\mapright\iota&
>\cal E&\mapright\rho&\cal L&\mapright{}&0\cr
>0&\mapright{}&{\cal O}_C&\mapright{}&
>\pi_*{\cal O}_D&\mapright\delta&
>R^1f_*{\cal O}_V(-D)&\mapright{}&0\cr
>&&&&&&\hidewidth R^1f_*\bigl({\cal O}
>Since i'm just a newbie of TeX, I don't really understand the first a few
>of the solution. I still need some learning and practice :)

ah, don't we all...
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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