On Tue, 14 Jun 2005, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:

> I have following files and structure (simplyfied)
> project: wooddoc.tex:
>     \startproject wooddoc
>     \environment environment
>     \startfrontmatter
>     \completecontent
>     \product intro
>     \stopfrontmatter
> [...]

Hello Wolfgang,

it's considered, that the project-file contains only setup-commands and a
list of products, but no commands, that generate directly output.

When you compile a product, the referenced project-file gets included in
some manner, so every product of the project will inherit the same setups.
Compiling the project-file is seldom useful. It will generate all products
in one file.

Consider just, that one product is one document, and a component is a kind
of "sub-document" for example a chapter. And the project-file is just a
list of documents, that should inherit some common setups.

I hope, this helps.
Cheers, Peter

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