
Here's some more work for you Patrick, in case you get bored.
(I guess I'll soon be removed from the list as a spammer/abuser if I
continue writing mails such as this one :)
What do the others think about it?

# Source browser

Can you "escape" control characters when searching through the source
in ConTeXtgarden? For example, \def\somecommand now has to be written
as\\def\\somecommand. And the search field is slightly small (only 20
characters). Well, I admit, these limitations can all be overcome by
asking Mr. Google for "\def\someveryveryverylongcommand
site:contextgarden.net" or by "grep"-ing on my hard disk.

Also, after the search the right window is empty and sometimes 20 hits
are found on the left. What about adding some context around the
search term? For example one line before and one line after each hit
(like Google does)? Once you have that, the same could be done for
single files (if a specific word appears in one file more than once
than you can select a file and see only the hits found + some lines
before and after). If you also add <a name="linenumber"> to the web
pages with sources, than you can click on a hit and go directly to the
line number where the search term occurs.

# texshow-web

I've just noticed that there's no possibility to describe single
options for the commands.
Take \setuplayout for example. Describing such huge collection of
parameters in plain text is not clear, synoptic any more. It would be
great if there would be a possibility to add descriptions for:
- the command as such (already there)
- every pair of braces (only one for \setuplayout), has to be visible
if it is optional or not
- every parameter inside a single brace
- every single option for that parameter (for example: width=middle
means that ...), default has to be marked

Some classification/hierarchy/labeling of the commands could also be
added, but this has to be thought of well before starting to implement
it. For example "page layout", "floats", "mathematics", "colors",
"metapost", "language", "core functions", ... The top-level
classification could probably be taken from prefixes of the source

Enabling the Wiki functionality (bold, italic, tables ... <texcode>
and <context>) and linking it to the source browser (to the place
where \def\thisspecificcommand is) would also add another
dimensionality. It would probably not be 100% compatible with the
pretty-much-textbased texshow program, but ... I could imagine that
one day something similar as modules.pdf (texshow.pdf) could be made
from that page with pretty good documentation of (all ?) ConTeXt

The ability to add commands is already there I think (I have never
tried it out yet). What about adding commands for (official and
third-party) modules? It should be separated from the main page, but
still offering the same functionality.

I was also thinking about making some interface for translations of
commands (for example: when a new third-party module is there, someone
could translate it without much effort, some more exotic languages
could be translated step-by-step, and new commands in ConTeXt could be
found quickly and translated - the dutch interface is probably
up-to-date, but I doubt that other translators are constantly checking
if anything new appeared). But these things are much more conservative
(commands may not change once they are translated) and probably not
worth the effort yet.

Finally a "five-minute-work" request after all that philosophizing:
can you add link to the .po files under "special" in texshow-web and a
"submit new .po version" button next to it?

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