Hans Hagen wrote:
> Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> >>(concerning eregi-* files: you can define filesynonyms so we need a list of 
> >>filesynonyms and regimesynonyms)
> >>
> >
> >What do you mean by writing file synonyms? Where would it be used?
> \definefilesynonym  [mojka]  [mojca]
> \definefilesynonym  [moika]  [mojca]
> \definefilesynonym  [moica]  [mojca]

Ok, if you are provocating, I'll strike back:
None of the definitions above are allowed because they don't warn the
user if he's using the wrong name. They should throw an error instead.
The only proper way would be to define something like


> >For unicode regimes, this is probably an useful (more or less complete) set.
> >
> >\defineregimesynonym[utf8][utf]
> >\defineregimesynonym[utf 8][utf]
> >
> >
> the spacy one does not make much sense
> >\defineregimesynonym[utf-8][utf]
> >\defineregimesynonym[unicode][utf]
> >
> >
> not sure about this one

Me neither, but "utf" alone is just as doubtful as this one. However,
leaving utf-8 and utf8 only is OK.

> >(Btw, I tried all the four before I got the answer on the mailing list
> >that I should use 'utf' instead.)
> >
> >For the rest of the regimes I have to take a look first, so that I
> >don't say anything wrong. There has to be only one clear scheme.
> >
> indeed, i'll wait patiently for your complete list of synonyms

OK. I'll prepare \defineregimesynonym-s proposals, but I still don't
know what the file synonyms should be used for in this context. The
user probably doesn't need to care about file names?

> >What's the proper name for nonbreaking space, '~', to be put in regi-* file?
> >
> how about \nonbreakablespace

Thanks. There was no such glyph in \showcharacters -)

(PS: I'm sorry for accusing the innocent commands of \showcharacters
and \showaccents for the missfunctionality. I accidentaly placed them
after an \obeylines command as I was debugging some files. They
couldn't have worked there anyway.)


I wanted to post this in another thread, but it probably still fits on
this place:

The regi-* files currently map characters from individual encodings
directly into \TeXcommands. But unicode is already supported in
ConTeXt and the mappings from single file encodings into unicode are
pretty well defined (perhaps there are some exceptions?) and can be
obtained elsewhere on the internet. On the other hand, mapping from
unicode to \TeXcommands is much less straightforward and sometimes

I noticed some comments in regi-* files like
  % \texttrademark changed to \trademark
  % \dots changed to \textellipsis

The one who does the changes like that probably does them only in one
file, the rest remains as is (and probably becomes deprecated if not
unfunctional one day).

On the other hand, there are around ten different cyrilic encodings
(mostly they are already supported by ConTeXt, but anyway) and many
other encodings in other languages as well. This means that the same
cyrilic letter has to be assigned the name in ten files (regimes),
possibly manually.

So why not mapping the characters to unicode first and defining the
mapping from unicode to \TeXcommand only once? regi-* files (at least
in the meaning they have now) could be prepared automatically by a
script, less error-prone and without the need to say "Some more
definitions will be added later."

Is it possible to switch the regimes in the middle of the document
(like it is possible to switch the languages)? An example usage would
be if some input documents (plain text, some older TeX files or
database entries) are written in some other encoding than the main
(Possibly switching in such a way that no leftovers remain after the
old encoding is replaced by a new one.)

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