Hans Hagen wrote:
> > Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> >
> >> And another request for Taco: with option=TEX, the '%' are typeset
> >> with yellowish gray, while the actual comments remain black. How can I
> >> make the whole comment gray?
> >
> consider it a misfeature -)
> % the next one was \string, but this prevents coloring, one can make
> % it \string again if needed
> \let\protectedfirsttype\relax
> \bgroup
> \catcode`\<=\active
> \catcode`\>=\active
> \gdef\doprotectfirsttype
>   {\ifx\next<%
>      \let\next\relax
>    \else\ifx\next\bgroup
>      \let\next\relax
>    \else\ifx\next\egroup % takes care of \type{}
>      \let\next\relax
>    \else\ifx\next\activeleftargument
>      \let\next\relax
>    \else
>      \let\next\protectedfirsttype
>    \fi\fi\fi\fi
>    \next}
> \egroup

What exactly should this code do? Was it supposed to change the behaviour of
    \abc % comment % comment
or something else?

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