Peter Rolf wrote:

Mojca Miklavec wrote:

This question doesn't come from me, but as I wasn't able to answer,
I'm posting it here:

Consider the following text:

\input tufte

\input tufte

\input tufte

\switchtobodyfont[10.6574803pt]\setupinterlinespace\page % = 10dd
\input tufte


How are the interline distances determined? The last two pages give
different results. The line breaking could be influenced by minimal
rounding mistakes, but I don't understand why the distances between
lines differ substantially.

Thank you,
ntg-context mailing list

Hi Mojca,

taken from 'TeX by Topic', page 80:

1157 didot points are 1238 points.

1238/1157= 1.070008643

I have tried it with 10.7pt. Looks the same. Mixed up bp with pt?
what dd's new or old -)




nd := \the\dimexpr50nd\relax ; dd := \the\dimexpr50dd\relax ;
nc := \the\dimexpr50nc\relax ; cc := \the\dimexpr50cc\relax ;

draw fullcircle scaled cc withcolor .9white withpen pencircle scaled (cc-nc) ;
draw fullcircle scaled dd withcolor .9white withpen pencircle scaled (dd-nd) ;

addbackground withcolor .5red ;



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    tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

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