I think there is a problem with synctex in TeXworks, which is probably why
I never use it.
Best Wishes
Keith McKay

On Thu, 26 May 2022, 18:03 Tommaso Gordini via ntg-context, <> wrote:

> Thank you, Keith!
> Everything works fine, except Synctex.
> So, between MkIV and LMTX you recommend LMTX. Perfect.
> Tommaso
> Il gio 26 mag 2022, 17:55 Keith McKay via ntg-context <>
> ha scritto:
>> Hi Tommaso
>>  I use TeXworks with ConText stand alone LMTX. To set it up to run
>> context do the following.
>> Open TexWorks and then click on TexWorks in the menu bar then
>> Preferences. The TexWorks Preference window will open up.
>> Click on the Typesetting tab and you will see two panes. One marked
>> "Paths for TeX and related Programs" and another marked "Processing Tools".
>> Next to Processing Tools is a + button. Click on this and a "Tool
>> Configuration" window appears. This is where you enter the details for
>> processing by ConTeXt and this is how I have set this up on my mac mini M1.
>> Name: LMTX
>> % Here you need to use the Browse button to get to the mtxrun. On my mac
>> it is the path to the directory tex  which contains the file mtxrun as
>> shown below. Yours may be different. Since mtxrun is an alias for
>> luametatex it substitutes luametatex. I edited this to, mtxrun.
>> Program:
>> /Users/HomeDirectory/data/contextmacosarm64/tex/texmf-osx-arm64/bin/mtxrun
>> % Next enter the arguments as follows using the + button.
>> Arguments: --autogenerate
>>                     --script
>>                     context
>>                     --autopdf
>>                     $fullname
>> Click OK. This takes you back to the TeXworks Prefences window (which has
>> stayed open anyway). You may have to enter some more paths to the Paths
>> pane. I added
>> /Users/HomeDirectory/data/contextmacosarm64/tex/texmf-osx-arm64/bin just to
>> be on the safe side but it may not be needed.
>> If I have made any mistakes I'm sure the great and the good in the
>> ConTeXt community will correct me.
>> I also use TeXshop but prefer TeXworks but to be honest with with you
>> there is not much of a difference between the two in my ConTeXt use. I'm
>> experimenting with atom but that is a wee bit more complicated since I have
>> to use the console to run context.
>> Hope this helps
>> Best Wishes
>> Keith McKay
>> On 26/05/2022 13:53, Tommaso Gordini via ntg-context wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> forgive me if my question is too general and trivial and without a
>> minimum code.
>> In the current state of ConTeXt development, which engine do you
>> recommend to use *definitively*? ConTeXt MkIV or LMTX?
>> I use macOS 10.15.7, on which I have MacTeX-2022, ConTeXt Standalone and
>> ConTeXt LMTX. My editor is TeXShop 4.72 (the last one), even if Synctex
>> doesn't work too well: source to PDF is almost OK, but PDF to source is
>> still very inaccurate, not to mention that to activate the direct and
>> reverse search you have to write such a thing as
>> %! TEX TS-program = ConTeXt2021
>> %! TEX useAlternatePath
>> %! TEX useConTeXtSyncParser
>> \setupsynctex [state=start, method=min]
>> \starttext
>> ...
>> \stoptext
>> I also have the latest TeXworks on board, but I don't understand how to
>> set it up. If you think that for ConTeXt is better than TeXShop and you
>> want to teach me how to set it up, thank you.
>> Tommaso
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