At the top of a single source file, I have the lines:
% !TEX root = prd_Aestimatio-0301.tex  % the root file
% !TEX TS-program = ConTeXt2021
% !TEX useAlternatePath
% !TEX useConTeXtSyncParser
   \setupsynctex[state=start, method=max]

Syncing works well enough—though I can see no difference between method
=min and method=max, both highlight only a few words and not the entire
text to be synced, but perhaps my expectations are out of line.

When I have these lines at the top of a component file and typeset the
product file, I get a rootfile.synctex file, but syncing itself goes awry.
Nothing happens when I sync from the PDf file to the component file, and
when I sync from the component file to the product PDF, I get the correct
page but no highlighting.

I am using TeXShop ver. 5.03—
sync method: Both Pdf Sync and Search
Path: /Users/bowen1/Applications/LuaMetaTeX/tex/texmf-osx-arm64/bin

and  also the latest ConteXt (ver.  2022.10.15 10:37 LMTX)  under macOS
12.6 (Apple M1 Pro chip)

Note: the product file has only one  component file for now.

I suspect that I am missing something but am not sure where to look or what
to do now. Any guidance will be much appreciated.

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