>1. Does t-bib now support multiple bibliographies? For past issues of the
>journal, I had to define a new bib-env file for each article that required a
>bibliography, otherwise the bibliography of, say, article two would include
>the bibliography for article one. Is there a general solution for this?

Just to be clear: What I had to do before was make duplicates of the bib 
module: m-bib2.tex, m-bib3.tex,..., m-bib<n>.tex, where <n> is the number of 
articles needing bibliographies.

Then, for each m-bib<n>.tex, I replaced each [pubs] with another name like 
[pubst] (for m-bib2), [pubstt] (for m-bib3), [pubsttf] (for m-bib4), and so 
forth. (I don't know dutch, but I guessed that \definieerlijst[pubs] was the 
key list-governing macro->)

This was the only way I could get multiple bibliographies in one document.

Isn't that just insane?-)


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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