[Wolfgang, I hope you don't mind me copying parts of your response to
the list. -adam]

Wolfgang Zillig said this at Mon, 17 Oct 2005 14:06:32 +0200:

>Hello Adam,
>thanks for your answer!
>>Hi. I'm just catching up with this issue.
>>Mojca is giving you the right information. I've installed hfbright on my
>>machine and can confirm that it is OT1 (context's `default' encoding)
>>only. The easiest way to fix this for you is to return to the
>>typescripts and make sure they say:
>>  [encoding=default] instead of
>>  [encoding=ec]
>ok, I did not know that OT1 is equal default.

It's another FAQ...

>>As you are probably aware, there are issues with hyphenation and the OT1
>>encoding. However, the TFMs and free Type 1 glyphs for this font simply
>>are not around.
>in the package hfbright there are pfb included (I think this are the
>type 1). tfms are also on my system

Yes, on my system, the TFMs are actually from the CMBright package, and
the map file redirects to the HFBright Type1/.pfb files.

>I don't know much about hyphenantion, but why are there problems?

There's a little bit of explanation here:
...but basically, TeX's hyphenation trickery doesn't know how to deal
with composite characters (when it puts an " atop a u [pardon my 7-bit
rendition]). If a word contains a composite "u as a character, it won't
break. If it contains a full ü, TeX can deal with it.

>>May I suggest looking at the new Latin Modern light sans fonts for text,
>>and using hfbright for mathematics only?
>Propably you are right and I should go the easy way and simply use an
>other font. Do you know if there is a ready package for the Latin Modern
>light sans?

Um, disregard that. I must have hallucinated that font. It doesn't
exist. Sorry.

 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21        +44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

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