I tried to run texfont demofont.dat, but failed.
First off, Hans, am I missing a runtools.rb? I can't find it. 

Secondly, I think the current demofont.dat has a bug because it triggers
an obscure texfont filtering feature. I changed the comments at the head
of the file to work around it:

# we assume that demofont.afm and demofont.pfb are present
# run with:
# texfont demofont.dat 

# test test
--ve=test --co=test --ma --in            demofont
--ve=test --co=test --ma --in --sla=.167 demofont
--ve=test --co=test --ma --in --ext=1.50 demofont
--ve=test --co=test --ma --in --cap=.750 demofont
--ve=test --co=test --ma --in --nol      demofont

...and by running:
 texfont --ve=test --co=test --ma --in demofont.dat 
...I do indeed get the modified Iwona fonts.

more below...

Taco Hoekwater said this at Wed, 23 Nov 2005 08:27:14 +0100:

>   \usetypescript[adobekb][8r,ec]
>   \usetypescriptfile [type-buy]
>   \usetypescriptfile [typeface]
>   \environment ../allkind/mcommon.tex
>That fixed the problem with Palatino (It now says I have
>missing LucidaBright (texnansi-lbXXX) fonts, but I believe
>that is correct because it is from an example, and at least
>one hurdle is taken).

Okay, another couple hacks to cross further hurdles:

The top of my mfonts.tex now looks like:

\preloadtypescripts           % I wanted to speed things up a bit!
                              % Current bug in distribution
 \definefontsynonym [LMSans-Italic] [LMSans-Oblique]
 \definefontsynonym [LMSans-BoldItalic] [LMSans-BoldOblique]
                              % lucida gets called all over the place
 \definetypescriptsynonym [lucida] [palatino]

\usetypescriptfile [type-buy]
\usetypescriptfile [typeface]

\environment ../allkind/mcommon.tex

... That much ought to fix the main body (though with the synonyms and
substitutions, the fonts it mentions in the text are not always going to
match the actual fonts used now!)

Go down a little bit, and you'll see the title page font set:


% ...

comment out the lucida lines, and uncomment the chancery lines, and you
should be in business for a full run!

er, I hope.
Good luck?
 Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster University, InfoLab21        +44(0)1524/510.514
 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492

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