Thursday, November 24, 2005 Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:

> I'm using the latest ConTeXt reported here, and I'm noticing
> that partial contents for the second, third etc part are not
> available. I have a bunch of files each of which goes like

> \part{some part}

> Some text (not always)

> \placecontent

> \chapter{some chapter}

> Each of this file is \input from the master file. However,
> only in the first part you actually see the (part-specific)
> content: every other part reports

> system          : part,chapter,section,subsection not found/processed

> The setup for the contents is as follows:

> \setupcombinedlist[content]
>   [interaction=all,
>    partnumber=no,
>    alternative=c,
>    level=subsection]

> \setuphead[part][alternative=middle,placehead=yes,resetnumber=no]

> The problem is the 'resetnumber': if I take that off,
> everything works perfectly.

I've been debugging this, and the reason for the thing not
coming up for parts after the first is that when
resetnumber=no the current level is not properly detected:
in one case you get

\currentlevel ->:1

in the other

\currentlevel ->:2:2:4:2

Which is obviously wrong. Indeed, the problem is here:

\listentry{section}{3}{1.1}{History and motivation}{2::1:1:1:0:0:0:0::8}{9}
\listentry{chapter}{11}{2}{The basics}{2::1:2:0:0:0:0:0::12}{13}
(more stuff)
\listentry{subsection}{78}{2.4.2}{Scaling the coordinate 
\listentry{part}{79}{2}{Mathematical tools}{2::2:2:4:2:0:0:0::34}{35}
\listentry{chapter}{82}{3}{Bézier cubic analysis}{2::2:3:0:0:0:0:0::35}{36}

OOOPSIE! Since resetnumber=no, the listentry keeps the old
settings for chapter, section & the like. This is obviously
wrong. Even if the number is not reset, the sectionformat
*must* be reset, since at the beginning of the new
higher section(level) you are not in the previous one
anymore. So for example when starting a new part (with
resetnumber=no), and until
the first chapter of the new part is started we are in
chapter 0 for that part, not in chapter

Can this be fixed?

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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