Mari Voipio schrieb:

Hans Hagen wrote:

I 'reorganized' (split) the beginners manual and put it in svn, so anyone who is willing to translate can check out a copy.

OK, I'm either out of the loop (had off-the-Internet holiday) or just a dummy Windows user, but the above doesn't really parse here so cannot even get started...

I've used CVS, but SVN is totally new for me (although I've seen it mentioned here once or twice) - so if anyone has recommendations for what client/program to use in Windows (2000/XP) and Mac OS 10.4, I'd be very interested. And a URL or other directions towards the SVN server (or whatever it is) would be appreciated; my work computer isn't very cooperative with online pdf pages, so I've got real problems with finding anything on Pragma website (*never* install newer Acrobat Reader on a Windows that already has an older full Acrobat...).

For Win there is tortoiseSVN: You will have to install it.
Then create somewhere a new folder.
Rightclick on that folder and there should "SVN Checkout" available in the menu
use this URL svn://

When I'm not completely wrong that should be all.

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