
I have files:


I also have:


And similar files for each of the eight chapters. Here is my project file: ~/IntermediateAlgebraText/book.tex


\startproject book

\environment bookenv

\product chapter1/chapter1

\product chapter2/chapter2

\product chapter3/chapter3

\product chapter4/chapter4

\product chapter5/chapter5

\product chapter6/chapter6

\product chapter7/chapter7

\product chapter8/chapter8


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: conTeXt-en
%%% End:

Here, for example, is my ~/IntermediateAlgebraText/chapter1/chapter1.tex

\startproduct chapter1

\project book



\input zapf

\component section1

\component section2

\component section3



%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: conTeXt-en
%%% End:

As an example of a section, consider ~/IntermediateAlgebraText/ chapter1/section1.tex


\startcomponent section1

\project book
\product chapter1

\section[sec:1]{The Function Concept}

\input knuth


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: conTeXt-en
%%% End:

This look OK to folks? Will I get in trouble with this plan?
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