Tobias Burnus wrote:


some remarks/errors of the current UTF-8 Chinese support in ConTeXt 2005.12.19:
(For (a) to (c) see also attached file.)

a) unic-chi.tex: This contains the unicode vectors for which a Chinese font will be used; currently it only covers
\dostepwiserecurse{40}{159}{1}{\defineunicodecommand #1 {\uchar}}
but this it misses the U+FFxx characters (fullwidth latin characters, e.g. '?' which is as wide as a Chinese character)
=> solution: Add
\defineunicodecommand 255 {\uchar}

b) Labels: lang-chi.tex contains:
\setuplabeltext [\s!cn] [\v!figure={\cnencoding\cnencodedfigure}]
\definecommand cnencodedfigure {\uchar{86}{254}}
but if I use (with UTF-8) \placefigure{}{} the figure character is not shown; however if I setup this directly, i.e.
, the character is shown just fine.

c) Doing font switching using \SimKaiTi seems to convert back to GBK, can we have Unicode by default (at least when UTF-8 encoding is used)?

Examples for (a) to (c) see attachment (UTF-8 encoded).

* * *

Wish for the native speakers: Please translate
- Graphics/Illustration and Intermezzo(s)

Question to native speakers:
- \c!date={\v!month,\ ,\v!day,{,\ },\v!year},
Is this really the default? Or should this be

* * *

 It should be "year年month月day日".

 In Chinese, large unit is always before small unit.
Another example, the address in Chinese, "China, Shanghai, xxx Road,, room xxx", city is always befor road people lives. I think it's easy to read and easy to find a
 place on the map :P

Another questions:
a) How to typset from top-to-bottom right-to-left using column(sets)?
b) How to change the numberformat used?



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