Hans et al,

We'll have different teachers writing different sections of a multi- chapter, multi-section document. The following use of prefix=+, as far as I can see, will keep them from stumbling over each other's references while they are working independently. I wonder how this will work in the project-product-component structure?

% output=pdf

\environment bookenv



draw unitsquare scaled 2cm withpen pencircle scaled 5mm withcolor red;

   \VL This \VL is \VL\FR
   \VL a    \VL table \VL\LR

{\useMPgraphic{david}}{First caption}
{\useMPgraphic{david}}{Second caption}


\chapter[quadratic]{Quadratic Functions}

\input tufte

\section[parabola]{The Parabola}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

{A very simple example of a table.}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

In \in{Figure}[fig:1] on \at{page}[fig:1], we see \ldots.

\section[vertex]{Vertex Form}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

{A very simple example of a table.}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

In \in{Figure}[fig:1] on \at{page}[fig:1], we see \ldots.

\chapter[poly]{Polynomial Functions}

\input tufte

\section[end]{End Behavior}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

{A very simple example of a table.}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

In \in{Figure}[fig:1] on \at{page}[fig:1], we see \ldots.


\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

{A very simple example of a table.}

\input tufte

{This is the caption of the figure.}

\input tufte

In \in{Figure}[parabola:fig:1] on \at{page}[parabola:fig:1], we see \ldots.

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