John R. Culleton wrote:
> It is common to express certain numerals with the suffixes
> st, nd, rd, th,
> with the suffix in a smaller type and raised about .5em
> eg:
> 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th.
> It is of course possible to cobble these expressions up in macros.
> But it would be handy if they were built in to Context.

As usually, Hans already included (almost) that in the core :)
See the very end of lang-ger.tex and the definition of
\enordinaldaynumber. I don't know why there is \ordinalstr instead of
\highordinalstr used (in contrast to the Dutch one), but you can
(re)define it like:

   \or % 1
   \or % 2
   \or % 3

And use it as:


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