Am 2006-01-03 um 12:08 schrieb Renaud AUBIN:

I want to obtain something like this on my title page :

Composition du jury :
        Président :               M. Prénom NOM
Rapporteurs : M. Truc BIDULE de paris Mme Machin CHOUETTE blabla
        Examinateurs :       M. Ano NYME

I would have macro to do this (inspired from thloria LaTeX package) like :
\President    = {M. Prénom NOM}
\Rapporteurs  = {M. Truc BIDULE&de Paris\\
                 Mme Machin CHOUETTE&blabla
\Examinateurs = {M. Ano NYME}

I have some ideas on how to do this but I need advices to know what's the best way to manage this issue.

What is "this", i.e. where's your problem?

How to format the title page? -- You could use a table.

Do you need the "jobs" multilingual? -- use \translate[fr=Président, de=Präsident, en=President]

How to define a macro? -- \def\President#1{\def\doPresident{#1}} (and use \doPresident in the table) The letter style uses a similar approach; I'm just trying to enhance it, see the "serial definition" thread.

I don't think the "\Something = {Anything}" style is possible at all.
You could use keyval style like \MyTitle[president={M. Prénom NOM}, somebodyelse={}], see Commands_with_KeyVal_arguments
I don't know how that could work with lists of persons.

Grüßlis vom Hraban!
--- (I'm an assurer)

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