see attached file for usage

%D \module
%D   [       file=m-gnuplot,
%D        version=2006.01.04,
%D          title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules,
%D       subtitle=\GNUPLOT\ Inclusion,
%D         author=Hans Hagen,
%D           date=\currentdate,
%D      copyright=\PRAGMA]
%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.

% todo: reuse (only if really needed)

% \enablemode[demo]

%D example:
%D \starttyping
%D texexec --pdf --mode=demo m-gnuplot
%D \stoptyping


\ifx\operatingsystem\undefined \def\operatingsystem{unix} \fi % texexec will set that







     [EMAIL PROTECTED] % like \externalfigure[name][optional args]
     [EMAIL PROTECTED] % like \useMPgraphic{name}


      % hm, gnuplot only seems to handle lf so we cannot use \mappartolineend
      % also, in order to prevent fuzzy runs (or no runs) we add a ; to each line
      \immediate\openout\scratchwrite=\bufferprefix gnuplot-\GNUPLOTnumber.gpd
      \immediate\write\scratchwrite{set output "\bufferprefix gnuplot-\"}%
      \processGNUPLOTgraphic{\bufferprefix gnuplot-\GNUPLOTnumber}%
      \convertGNUPLOTgraphic{\bufferprefix gnuplot-\GNUPLOTnumber}%
      \externalfigure[\bufferprefix gnuplot-\GNUPLOTnumber.pdf][#2]}%

% we assume pdf inclusion, eps wil be implemented when applicable

     {\executesystemcommand{start pgnuplot #1.gpd}} % start is needed else gp fails
     {\executesystemcommand{gnuplot #1.gpd}}}

  {\executesystemcommand{texmfstart newpstopdf}}

\protect \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput}


    set title "trigonometry"
    set terminal postscript

    plot sin(x)

    plot cos(x)





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