Some defaults from my old MiKTeX .ini file (local-texmf/scripts/perl/ texexec.ini) I can't test this as I have defected to a saner platform :-)

enable variable miktex at top of file and some variation of this below.

for  miktex  set  UsedInterfaces    to  en, uk
for  miktex  set  UserInterface     to  uk
for  miktex  set  TeXExecutable     to  pdfetex.exe
for  miktex  set  TeXVirginFlag     to  -initialize
for  miktex  set  TeXBatchFlag      to  -interaction=batchmode
for  miktex  set  TeXFormatFlag     to  &
for  miktex  set  MpToTeXExecutable to  mptotex.exe
for  miktex  set  MpVirginFlag      to  -initialize
for  miktex  set  MpPassString      to
for  miktex  set  MpBatchFlag       to  -interaction=batchmode
for  miktex  set  MpFormat          to  metafun
for  miktex  set  MpFormatFlag      to  -undump=
for  miktex  set  TeXFormatPath   to "d:\local-texmf\miktex\fmt\"
for  miktex  set  ConTeXtPath     to "d:\local-texmf\tex\context\base\"
for  miktex  set  SetupPath       to "c:\Progra~1\MiKTeX\miktek\base\"
for miktex set TeXScriptsPath to "d:\local-texmf\scripts\context \perl\"
for  miktex  set  TeXProgramPath  to "c:\Progra~1\MiKTeX\miktex\bin\"

Also mptopdf will not work unless you set the TEXSYSTEM environment variable to "miktex" as on ContextGarden.

Also it occurs to me that texexec will not recognise test.txt, but will expect test and add .tex itself.

Don't forget to update fndb at every opportunity from MikTeX's management app.


Todd DeVries wrote:
I'm attempting to install context under miktex 2.4. I've updated the
format files and followed other instructions as per the contextgarden
discussions. I'm probably missing something really obvious and would
appreciate any help offered.  I receive this output when running the
following commands:
texexec test.txt

Are you sure your tex file has extension txt? Your output is precisely
what you get when texexec cannot find the input file, so I am a bit
suspicious that that may be the problem.

For the warnings: You need to tell texexec that you are running
miktex, but I do not know how precisely that is done (I use tetex)

Cheers, Taco
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