
I'm having trouble using dropped caps within \startlines\stoplines.
I'm trying to typeset some poetry and I'm using
\setuplines[space=yes]. I'd like to use dropped caps and have the
indented lines be additionally indented by any space at the beginning
of the lines.

See the following example - the first part shows roughly the result I
want (but with manual formatting/spacing), the second part shows the
result of \DroppedCaps inside \startlines\stoplines, and the third
part uses the lettrine module. The lettrine module comes close, but
Nindent doesn't seem to affect the indented lines within

{       \DroppedCaps
        {} {Serif} {2\baselineskip} {2pt} {1\baselineskip} {2}

\MyDroppedCaps S{\sc umer} is icumen in,\crlf
\hbox to .6em{}Lhude sing cuccu!\crlf
Groweth sed, and bloweth med,\crlf
\hbox to .6em{}And springth the wude nu---\crlf
\hbox to 3.3em{}Sing cuccu!

\MyDroppedCaps S{\sc umer} is icumen in,
  Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweth sed, and bloweth med,
  And springth the wude nu---
          Sing cuccu!

\lettrine{S}{umer} is icumen in,
  Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweth sed, and bloweth med,
  And springth the wude nu---
          Sing cuccu!

Any suggestions for how to do this? I'm a beginning ConTeXt user, so
if there's a better/different way to do this, I'd be happy to hear it!

Also, I read the list in digest form. For the benefit of people using
threaded mail readers, is there a better way to reply to individual
messages than replying to the digest message and editing the Subject
line appropriately?

Thanks very much,
Adrian Drury
ntg-context mailing list

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