
Here is my two cents:

I agree with Mojca that lots of accents (both uppercase and
lowercase) would be nice to have, just in case.

I would really like to see the ascii versions of the keyboard
symbols: circumflex, doublequote and tilde etc. (Texnansi normally
has a sort of orphaned accent instead of the ascii symbol, which is
not all that usable)

Then there are straightforward symbols like copyright, registered
and trademark;

The currencies (at least euro, dollar, pound, yen, but preferably
many more)

A set of itemization bullets and dashes (some fonts have square ones)

The 'text-style' calculus operations like multiply and divide,
plus and minus, plusminus, arrowleft and arrow right, text fractions.

I guess there are still missing punctuation characters as well.

Also, as many units and symbols that can appear in running text
as possible please. centigrade and perthousan, but also some greek
letters like micro, Ohm, alpha & beta (biology), gamma (radiology).
These symbols are normally considered part of the text, so they should
not depend on math mode. For example, if your write \beta-blocker,
you want the \beta to be bold sans-serif inside a bold sans-serif
section head.

Greetings, Taco
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