Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a "conversion" defined in the following way:
> \usesymbols[jmn]
> \defineconversion
>    [gnuplot]
>    [$\bullet$,
>     $\circ$,
>     $\star$,
>     x,
>     {\symbol[navigation 1][NextJump]}]
> I would like to use these symbols in a macro
>     draw_symbol(x,y,number)
> so that
>     draw_symbol(0,0,3)
> would draw a star in the origin.
> The problem is that I don't know:
> - how to use symbol sets inside MetaFun (verbatimtex \usesymbols[jmn]
> etex doesn't work here)
> - how to enable
>     label(btex \convertnumber{gnuplot}{5} etex, (x,y))
>   to work properly in metafun (no luck with verbatimtex ... etex again)
> Any hints would be appreciated.
==== test.tex ==== 


\startMPenvironment [global]




def the_symbol(expr n) =
    textext("\GnuPlotSymbol{" & decimal n & "}")
enddef ;
def draw_symbol(expr x, y, n) =
    draw the_symbol(n) shifted (x,y)
enddef ;

for i=1 upto 10 :
    draw_symbol(i*10,i*10,i) withcolor red ;
endfor ;


=== test-gnuplot.tex ==== 

  {\symbol[navigation 1][NextJump]}]


                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
     tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

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