Renaud AUBIN wrote:
> Hi Taco, happy to read you again :-) !
> I don't have texmfstart. It is a win script, isn't it ? I have a debian 
> box. Maybe I have to do some hacks in m-gnuplot.
> I have try ruby 
> /usr/local/texlive/2005/texmf-dist/scripts/context/ruby/newpstopdf.rb 
> --method=raw and it works...
texmfstart is a ruby script (in scritps/context/ruby);  Normally there 
should be a copy without suffix in some bin path
> If I use a .gp file as input, do I have to use the same method ?
> Moreover, I use lucida fonts in my document. How to use lucida with this 
> method ?
depends on how you installed the lucidas's 


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