I've put some preliminary version of "context terminal" for gnuplot on

Since the conversation about possible improvements of the terminal
would be a bit too much off-topic for this mailing list, you can join
the brainstorming area on


If any gnuplot user is interested in the way that ConTeXt could
communicate with gnuplot, feel free to write suggestions on that list
or to me personally.

There's still much to be done, most notably handling text, 3D
plotting, color palettes as well as the ConTeXt-side of support
(direct inclusion of those graphics into documents & some
\setupGNUPLOT[... = ...]), but for 2D plots it's already useful.

If you want to try it, you can get source from
https://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=2055, add context.trm (you get
it on the link posted above) into term/ folder, add
    #include "context.trm"
to src/term.h and try to compile from within src folder. I've also
uploaded a windows binary, but I don't give any warranty for it (I'll
upload a slightly fixed version soon).

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