Does this look ok?
(code is not production-ready yet, but seems reasonable to me)


      \vadjust{\kern -.33\bodyfontsize}\crcr}%
    \halign\bgroup  \hfil$\scriptstyle ##$\hfil\crcr }



      i = 1 \NR
      i \neq n \NR
      i \neq m


Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> <--- On Jan 28, Taco Hoekwater wrote --->
>>Aditya Mahajan wrote:
>>>>The definition from m-newmat is at least partly superceded by the
>>>>new core math definitions Hans added last week, so a new implementation
>>>>would be better.
>>>Can you suggest something?
>>Like this maybe?
>>  {\begingroup
>>   \let\\\cr
>>   \startmathmatrix #1\stopmathmatrix
>>   \endgroup}
>>Probably needs a bit of tweaking to make it look better
>>(perhaps a [strut=no] parameter?).
> <--- On Jan 28, Vit Zyka wrote --->
>>What about use math primitive \atop:
>>   {\begingroup
>>    \let\\\atop
>>    #1
>>    \endgroup}
> Sorry for not getting back for almost a month. Both suggestions work 
> only partially. Consider
> \startmathformula
>   \sum_{%
>     \startmathmatrix
>       i = 1 \NR i \neq n \NR i \neq m
>      \stopmathmatrix
>    }a_i
> \stopformula
> As Taco mentioned, the spacing is bad.
> \atop gives correct spacing but you need to put subscripts in groups 
> of two.
> \startformula
>    \sum_{ {i = 1 \atop i \neq n}\atop i \neq m } a_i
> \stopformula
> Moreover, the font size is incorrect in both cases. Compare with the 
> size of the subscript in \sum_{i = 1}.
> Any suggestions?
> Aditya
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