<j.rau <at> web.de> writes:

> Hello,
> is it possible to preserve uppercase letters of the title by default?
> I know that I can write:
>       title ="Eetgewoonten bij {E}uropeanen en {A}merikanen", but that dosn't 
> suit
my needs. A good solution
> (in my opinion) cold be something like this:
> \setuppublications[
>       ...,
>       changecase=yes/no/title,
>       ...
> ]
> By the way: Thank you for the gread bib-module!
> Jochen
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I posted this message twice. I am an newbie using mailing lists and didn't
recognize that my question was already answered by Taco.

Where can I find information about using this mailing list properly?


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