hmm, on Mon, Mar 06, 2006 at 11:04:25PM +0100, Taco Hoekwater said that
> This is one of the latin modern fonts. ConTeXt depends on the latin
> modern package, and will not run without errors if latin modern is
> not installed.

thanks for the all the answers...

this all could be in the wiki thought, would save you/me mining the
archives :)  so i'll shamefully steal and put this info into the
openbsd upgrade page i just started :)

ok, seems like my last problem is about the fonts.  i must say the
wiki gets a bit controversial here: says:

Install a Latin Modern font update

The Latin Modern fonts are still in development, so teTeX has a hard
time catching up. To get a stable system, you have to manually download
the [Latin Modern distribution] from ctan and install the package
according to the[instructions in the FAQ].

The ConTeXt-specific support files are included in, so it
is just a matter of installing the actual font files. says:

This was the Latin Modern release from CTAN, repackaged for an easier

It has disappeared since Context 2006.02.01 says:

Note that teTeX distributions, from version 3.0, already have the lm
fonts: all you need do is use them. 

according to the wiki, i don't need anymore.

according to the tex faq i already have them.

what now?   i downloaded the lm.tgz package, compared files, and
clearly, teTeX 3.0 files are old-old-old.

so i copied over the old files, run texhash, and lo and behold,
fonts are all right.

ok, the only problem i see at first glance is \"{o}
(long hungarian umlaut) is with a wave and not the proper umlaut.

could this be a problem with context's encodings?
i presume the lm fonts contain the right character...
it is certainly not that special :)

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