Hans et al,

Maybe I am missing the point, but this example has output that is  
unexpected. There's a huge block of whitespace, that coincidentally  
continues to the bottom of the caption on the margin fig.

Is this correct behavior? I thought if I put a margin fig out there,  
then the text should flow uninterrupted.








Readers will note that each object in the domain is paired with one
and only one object in the range, as seen in the mapping diagram of

{A mapping diagram for $f$.}

Thus, we have two representations of the function $f$, the collection
of ordered pairs \in[collection], and the mapping diagram of
in \infigure[fig:graphmap]. A third representation of the function $f$
is the graph of the ordered pairs of the function, shown in the
Cartesian plane in \infigure[fig:graphmap2].

{A graph of the function $f$.}{\externalfigure[graph2]}

When the function is represented by an equation or formula, then we
adjust our definition somewhat.

The graph of $f$ is the set of all ordered pairs $(x,f(x))$ so that
$x$ is in the domain of $f$. In symbols,

\hbox{Graph of $f$}=\big\{(x,f(x)):\,\hbox{$x$ is in the domain of $f 

This last definition is most easily explained by example. So, let's
define a function $f$ that maps any real number $x$ to the real number
$x^2$; that is, let $f(x)=x^2$. Now, according to
\in{Definition}[def:graf], the graph of $f$ is the set of all points
$(x,f(x))$, such that $x$ is in the domain of $f$.

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