Le 27 mars 06 à 18:32, Jeffrey Drake a écrit :

> Thank you for both your replies. The thing I am looking at right now
> is using scintilla for the basis of a windows editor (windows api) and
> scripted with TCL.
> The interface I am envisioning is one of an old dos editor I used to
> use (called Programmer's Editor). It attached all functions to the
> function keys including menu navigation. But otherwise bindings to
> keys could easily be made. My thoughts are to implement most
> functionality in TCL, including configuration.

Very nice,
as an editer shouhd be scripting!

I think all the editor could be enterely be written in tcl
(easy to install, portability, ...)
You can see a very old editeur that I'm using every day
which could be enterely rewritten with the modern feature of tcl.


-- Maurice

>>> * support for large (log) files (>100MB)
to big for stead !
I only play with 10MB with stead

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