On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 11:17:01 -0700, Johannes Graumann  

> nico wrote:
>> \starttext
> ...
>> \stoptext
> And so the aggressive newbie gets to eat his words .. ;0) Thank you.

I've also played with latex tables, and really the context ones are much  
more powerfull and consistent.

> There
> is, however on feature missing in your example:
>                 ^^^       ^^^
> Will yield the horizontal lines aligned with the start/end of the table
> lines - no column spacing at the beginning and end of each row. Any
> pointers on how to emulate this with TABLE?

I'm not sure how it should be achieved. Maybe one of these settings fit  
your need:

% with overlay the frame rules are within the table;
% it's ok, but the table lines start a bit before the top/bottom rule

% seems ok but should we play with border margins like this?

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