Michal Kvasnička wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> Many thanks, this  solves the problem -- at least partially. The frames
> are `walking' now, but new problems appeared. I found that when I set
> `clickin=...', it is set it automatically to `clickout' as well, so one
> mouse click runs the JavaScript code twice. So I've set it this way:
> \definefieldstack[fgolds2]
>  [sgolds1,sgolds2a,sgolds2b,sgolds2c,sgolds2d,sgolds2]
>  [frame=off,option=,clickout=JS(Walk_Field{fgolds3}),clickin=]
> It's better, but I found that now frames are walking in a strange order.
> It is rather puzzling, since when it is invoked by \goto{...}[JS(...)],
> it works well. Moreover, it does different things at AdobeReader 7.x
> under Linux, and Acrobat 4.x under Windoze.
> Can you help me to solve it?

Took some time, but it works now. What I don't understand, is the
strange behaviour of the offset parameter in this case. See attached file.

Greets, Peter

> Many thanks once more.
> M.K.

% interface=en output=pdftex
% Time-stamp: <Samstag, 22 April 2006 21:53:30; test.tex>





\definesymbol [empty]   []

\definesymbol [one]     [\FS{1}]
\definesymbol [two]     [\FS{2}]
\definesymbol [three]   [\FS{3}]
\definesymbol [four]    [\FS{4}]
\definesymbol [five]    [\FS{5}]

%   frame=off,
   offset=none,% default offset causes different positioning of walk button and 


   offset=none,% default offset causes different positioning of walk button and 

\defineproperty[interaction][layer][title=walkfield, state=start]




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%%% mode: context
%%% TeX-master: ""
%%% End:
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