On 5/19/06, Johannes Graumann wrote:
> Hello,
> I define my margins like so:
> % Papersize is 'letter'
> \setuppapersize[letter][letter]
> % CIT thesis regulations: 1 in margins, 1.5 in on the binding side
> % Johannes: no footer
> \setuplayout[
>   margin=1in,
>   backspace=1.5in,
>   footer=0in
> ]
> but the margins on top, bottom and right differ significantly from 1 in (ca.
> 1 in 3/16) and on the left from 1.5 in (ca. 1 in 11/16). This is in the
> printout. Do I have to go adjusting this arbitrarily, printing it and
> checking manually?

Do you know the command \showlayout?

> Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Margin as the dimension parameter in \setuplayout is not the distance
between text and the border, but the width of "an auxiliary field" on
the left and right (chech the command above to see those fields).

     height=9in, % or even better: height=middle
work OK for you?

(width=middle can adjust the width automatically if backspace equals
"forwardspace", but I'm not aware of an option that would calculate
the width automatically for different space on left and right; perhaps
you can use \dimexpr, but I didn't try it)

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