This is interesting. I have a couple of questions.

On Sun, 28 May 2006, Hans Hagen wrote:

> This should get you started ... please wikify this:
> \setupitemgroup[itemize][1][a,random,packed]
> \startsetups examn:make
> [snipped]
> \stopsetups
> \startsetups examn:ok
>    \doifmode {answers} {
>        \inleft{\symbol[star]}
>    }
>    \ignorespaces
> \stopsetups

For some reason, ignorespaces is ignored. The output is shifted left 
by one space. Is this because of some grouping issue.

> \starttext
> \startbuffer[examn]
> \startitemize
> \startitem first  \stopitem
> \startitem \setups[examn:ok] second \stopitem
> \startitem third  \stopitem
> \startitem fourth \stopitem
> \stopitemize
> [snipped]
> \stopbuffer

Any particular reason for using \startitem ... \stopitem instead of 
\item? I could not notice any difference between the two. Is it just a 
matter of taste?

> \setuprandomize[1234] % set a seed
> \enablemode[answers]
> \dorecurse{10} {\setups[examn:make]}
> \stoptext

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