On Thu, 1 Jun 2006, David Arnold wrote:

> All,
> I just received this from our disabled students' center.
> What is needed is a simple way to convert a Context document into a format 
> that can be "read" by these MathML players.
> Are we anywhere close to such a conversion?

There is some work for latex documents. Have a look at

I do not know if this can be extended to handle context.


> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Love, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: June 1, 2006 10:14:37 AM PDT
>> To: "Arnold, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Math 120 textbook for Fall 2006
>> Hi Dave:
>> A student with a reading disability has requested an alternate version of 
>> the Math 120 textbook for Fall 2006. Jean Lawry told me that the Math 
>> faculty is creating the book, to give to students on a CD. I think that is 
>> just great! My task is to put that into a format that the student can 
>> listen to. Assuming that your CD doesn?t have all the info in audio files, 
>> one strategy is that I can scan the print version (Jean said there will be 
>> one), and extract the text. The problem?as with all Math books to this 
>> point?is that the scanning software doesn?t do math. Tracey ordered the 
>> site license for MathType, so I could re-create the math line by line. Much 
>> easier for me would be if the equations are already in a format that can be 
>> converted to be read by MathPlayer, such as MathML. One option is a flavor 
>> of .tex that Scientific Notebook can handle, that can be exported as 
>> .XHTML. Please give me a heads-up on how you?re making the book, so I can 
>> plan ahead.
>> Thanks,
>> Ken Love
>> High Tech Center
>> X4557
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