On 13 Jun 2006, at 8:25 am, Hans Hagen wrote:

>> On a more general level, if both ConTeXt and XeTeX are engaged in
>> converting legacy TeX hyphenation patterns to utf-8, should they be
>> coordinated in order to avoid duplication of effort?
> anyone can use the patterns; of course bugs need to be sorted out, but
> given my experiences with pattern maintainance i will not drop them  
> from
> context; too much has gone wrong in the past; but you can consider  
> them
> to be generic so indeed we can avoid duplication of work.

Indeed.... I have no desire to duplicate work. :)

My main concern at this point relates to packaging and co-ordination  
between the different macro packages that load patterns; we can't  
expect latex users to be dependent on having context installed, or  
vice versa. Patterns belong in a base tex installation, where they  
can be available to any higher-level macro package.

This needs to be sorted out among a wider group than this mailing  


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