Hello all (especially Idris :-) )

Using the fantastic resources from Idris' messages on this list, and the
Aleph page on the Wiki, I have managed to start producing Arabic PDF
output directly from UTF-8 sources using Aleph and dvipdfmx. This is
great, thanks so much.

I have just one or two queries and things I wasn't able to make work. I
hope someone can help.

My test file is here:
And the output it generates is here:

First question - how do I get italic text? The first three paragraphs in
the test are identical content, but the second has {\it ...} around it
and the third has {\bf ...} around it. The third para comes out
perfectly in bold, but the second para looks the same as the first. How
can I get italics?

Second question - that same first para contains 5 ligatures. They don't
seem to match the rest of the font. Is this a set-up issue, or is it the
way the font is designed? If it is a set-up issue, is there a way to fix it?

Third and final question - I inserted a section and two subsections to
demonstrate that the numbering of subsections is left-to-right. How can
I make it right-to-left? (Explanation: the PDF shows section "1", and
then subsections "1-1" and "1-2"; reading the numbers from
right-to-left, I need it to show as section "1" and then subsections
"1-1" and "2-1". In the subsection the "1" should come first when
reading rtl.)

Thanks very much for any help.


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