Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
> I sent this a week ago, still awaiting help :-)

Sorry, missed it. This fixes the page numbers in the headers

   \setupsection [section-1][conversion=Romannumerals]

I do not (yet) know how to fix the TOC.

> Idris
> On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 19:20:58 -0600, Idris Samawi Hamid  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear fellow gangsters,
> Consider the following test file; partnumber=on. I would like partnumber
> to be converted to capital roman numerals while the page numeral remains
> as an Arabic numeral. Viz., instead of
> 1--1, 1--2 etc.
> in the TOC and pagenumbers I would like
> I--1, I--2 etc.
> in the TOC and pagenumbers. Is there a command like
> \setupsectionnumbering[conversion=Romannumerals]? Then I would say,
> \setuppartnumbering[conversion=Romannumerals]
> The test file is below.
> Best
> Idris
> =======================part-test.tex==================
> % output=pdf interface=en
> \def\PartTitle#1{\noheaderandfooterlines
>                    \vbox{\blank[force,7\bodyfontsize]
>                    \switchtobodyfont[14.4pt]
>                    \midaligned{\cgd #1}
>                    }}
> \setuphead[part][number=no,
>                    ownnumber=yes,
>                    style=\itd,
>                    textcommand=\PartTitle,
>                    placehead=yes]
> \setupsection [section2]
> [appendixconversion=Character, % Watch the capital
> previousnumber=no]
> %\setuppagenumbering[way=bytext,partnumber=no]
> %\setupcombinedlist[content][partnumber=no]
> \starttext
> \startbodymatter
> \placecontent
> \part{I}{Body}
> \chapter{The Body Stuff}
> \stopbodymatter
> \startappendices
> \setupheadnumber[part][+]
> \part{II}{Appendices}
> \chapter{Appendix}
> \stopappendices
> \stoptext
> ======================================================

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