On 7/18/06, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> > \starttext
> > abc \switchtobodyfont[20pt]\switchtobodyfont[iwona-t5] abc
> > \stoptext
> There is no defined bodyfont at 20pt, and that is what is causing
> the error (indirectly). Add this:
> \definebodyfont [20pt] [ss]
>    [tf=Sans            sa 1,
>     bf=SansBold        sa 1,
>     it=SansItalic      sa 1,
>     sl=SansSlanted     sa 1,
>     bs=SansBoldSlanted sa 1,
>     bi=SansBoldSlanted sa 1,
>     sc=SansCaps        sa .8,
>    tfa=Sans            sa 1.200,
>    tfb=Sans            sa 1.440,
>    tfc=Sans            sa 1.728,
>    tfd=Sans            sa 2.074,
>    bfa=SansBold        sa 1.200,
>    bfb=SansBold        sa 1.440,
>    bfc=SansBold        sa 1.728,
>    bfd=SansBold        sa 2.074,
>    bsa=SansBoldSlanted sa 1.200,
>    bsb=SansBoldSlanted sa 1.440,
>    bsc=SansBoldSlanted sa 1.728,
>    bsd=SansBoldSlanted sa 2.074]

But why do I have to do it? I would only like that
\switchtobodyfont[20pt] scales the font properly (according to
whatever definitions are default). I can't define that for all the
possible sizes of the font that I want to use in the document.

\switchtobodyfont[iwona-t5,20pt] works OK, but one command after
another doesn't.

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