On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:

> Am 27.07.2006 um 07:32 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
>> On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> both paragraph should be indented 12 pt. But there are different:
>>> \starttext
>>> \startitemize[width=12pt]
>>> \sym{\endash}\input tufte
>>> \stopitemize
>>> \setupitemize[width=12pt]
>>> \sym{\endash}\input tufte
>>> \stoptext
>>> How do I make the second the same as the first?
>> Shouldn't you wrap the second one with \startstop itemize?
>> \setupitemize[width=12pt]
>> \startitemize
>> \sym{\endash}\input tufte
>> \stopitemize
>> Aditya
> Well, I hope not!
> As far as I understood the manual (cont-eni) one can use \item and
> \sym also without the start-stop environment: in cases where it is
> just needed as one entry (not a list).
> This works, somehow. But is there no setup possible?
> I need it in a bibliography: the normal entries "author, title etc.
> maybe two lines" are hangindented with \hangafter=1\hangindent=12pt.
> But when a author has two or more titles it is written "- title etc.
> maybe two lines". And here the "- " must be the same space as the
> hangindent (12pt), as one can imagine easily.
> That's why I used a \item res. \sym for this. And a start/stop each
> would make the code quite chaotic.
> But maybe there is even another solution for this construction, even
> better?

Ask Taco to implement this in the bib module :-)

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