On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hallo!
>> Can you try to create a minimal file to play with?
>> Inventing test documents from scratch takes a lot of time, time
>> that is often not available (like today). Having a small but
>> full document will greatly improve your chances of getting a
>> quick response.
>> Cheers,
>> Taco
> Sorry Taco, here comes a small testfile which hopefully resamples the
> situation:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> \setuppapersize[a4][a4]
> \setupfloat[figure][none,fit,here,always,top,bottom,force,page]
> \setupcaption[figure][number=no]
> \setuplayout[grid=yes]% Problem doesn't exist with grid=no
> \starttext
> \input tufte
> \placefigure{}{\framed[offset=none]{%
>  \externalfigure[float.png][width=\makeupwidth,height=\textheight]}}
> \dorecurse{10}{\par\input tufte}
> \stoptext
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> I can not find a solution for the following problem:
> I would like to place a floating, framed graphic at the next page
> following the \placefigure[]{}{\framed[]{...}} command.
> Problem: The graphicdimensions are (\makeupwidth,\textheight).
> Neither the options page, here, force or always help.

Maybe I am missing something here. But \placefigure[page].... seems to 
work fine for me. Even larger dimensions do not seem to be a problem.

\input tufte

\input tufte
\input tufte
  \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte}

> If the graphic is a little smaller, so that at least one line of text
> fit on the page, than the graphic gets placed at the right page, else
> the graphic is placed behind the end of the chapter.

> Second question:
> How can I place a fullpage graphic
> (\paperheight+epsilon,\paperwidth+epsilon) as above
> at the next page, and how can I count, but don't display pagenumbers
> for such graphic pages?

If you are willing to manually break the page, you can use

on how to make pagefigure increment page numbers.

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