Greetings all,

I've been experimenting with MetaPost/Fun of late. It is indeed fun. In 
trying to have a uniform font in both text and MP areas, however, I am 
running into some difficulty. With a little file like this:



\startMPenvironment [global]


The following example should be very interesting:


z40 = (2cm,0cm)    ;     z41 = (3cm,0cm) ;
z42 = (3cm,1cm)    ;     z43 = (2cm,1cm) ;
z46 = (2.5cm,.5cm) ;

path F ; F := (z40--z41--z42--z43--cycle) ;

linejoin := mitered ;

drawpath F ;
label("very", z46) ;





everything works very nicely (fonts identical). When I use my own 
typescript file, however:


\startMPenvironment [global]


The text appears in the correct font, but the MP section, _while at 
first showing the correct font_, then changes to CM before my eyes. (my 
pdf viewer auto-updates).

Any clues?

Many thanks,
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