David Arnold wrote:
> Hans et al,
> I have:
> \def\startquestions{\exercises{Exercises}\doifmode{copyright} 
> {\footnotetext{Copyrighted material. See: http://msenux.redwoods.edu/ 
> IntAlgText/}
> }\startcolumnset[exercises]}
> \def\stopquestions{\stopcolumnset}
> Then in document, I have:
> \startquestions
> \doifmode[paging]{\setnumber[page]{\pagenumberExercisesSevenEight}}

should work

> When I:
> texmfstart texexec --mode=short,copyright,paging section8exercises
> All is OK with the world, except the first line (other than headers  
> and heads which are ok) in the output is:
>   aging]
> I tried:
> \startquestions\relax
> \doifmode[paging]{\setnumber[page]{\pagenumberExercisesSevenEight}}
> To no avail.
> Suggestions?
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