On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 19:57 +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> Stuart Jansen wrote:
> >>   \startappendices
> >>      \chapter{Corge}
> >>      \placelist[section][criterium=local,alternative=c]
> >>        \section{Grault} \input zapf
> >>   \stopappendices
> >>

> > How recent? I just tried it with the latest minimal, as well as
> > live.contextgarden.net and neither worked for me.
> Not _that_ recent. Strange, should have worked.

Okay, I guess that means it's a bug, not a feature. Hans: is this one
hairy enough that I should register it in the collector?

Stuart Jansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Guru Labs, L.C.

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