I also downloaded the current beta but the problem related to  
collapsing page numbers is still there.
Just comment / uncomment the marked line and watch the change in the  
third register (the one that uses the "compress=yes" key):


\placelist[section][criterium=all]  \blank[5*big]
\placeregister[index][compress=no]  \blank[5*big]
\placeregister[index][compress=no,sectionnumber=yes]  \blank[5*big]
\placeregister[index][compress=yes] \blank[5*big]

test text \index{test index}
more test text \index{test index}
more test text \index{test index}
%\page test text% <--- comment / uncomment this line
\section{heading text \index{test index}}
more test text \index{test index}
test text \index{test index}
\section{heading text \index{test index}}
more test text \index{test index}



Am 13.09.2006 um 07:49 schrieb Thomas A. Schmitz:

> On Sep 12, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
>> should not happen, so i need a simple test doc -)
>> there has been some code changes (related to collapsing page numbers
> Hans,
> just downloaded the latest beta (2006.09.13 00:41 MK II), and the
> problem is gone. Thanks a lot for taking care of it so quickly!
> All best
> Thomas
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