Dear Sirs

I'm a teacher in a secondary school and I need to prepare some  
planifications for my class. Until now Word can do the job but I'm  
think that ConTexT can do better. The scheme of the layout of my  
document is:

- |
| logo             School Name                                           
|         UNIT: (changing in each page)                               |
|      |-----------------------------------------------------------|     
|      |   a table with several coluns                            |      
|      |  and several rows                                               
|         |
|      |-----------------------------------------------------------|     
|      Teacher name:                         Date:                       

The paper are in landscape orientation and in each page I need to  
represent several elements, like: logo, school name, space for the unit  
designation, teacher name, date and signatures.

My main question is: is there any way to prepare this kind of documents  
in Context? Examples are welcome.

Thanks a lot

Have a nice day


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