
I am preparing a document in xml docbook. The general output  with 
Context is fine.

However, in my main text (Dutch) I use some Turkish as well. Next to the 
xml-editor, I use Textpad, whose unicode support is not optimal, so  for 
the time being I save the file in iso 8859-9. This encoding is identical 
to latin-1, but with the 6 symbols ETH, eth, THORN, thorn, Yacute, 
yacute replaced by Gbreve, gbreve, Scedilla, scedilla, Idotabove, 
dotlessi (see e.g. http://www.gar.no/home/mats/8859-9.htm).

Now I can't figure out which encoding to use in my Context document (I 
also considered using a code in the xml, but that is not a very 
attractive idea). Do we need to set up a separate coding for Turkish 
(like for Polish, Slowak and Romanian)?

The next step will be to



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