nico wrote:
>> On Tue, 7 Nov 2006, Pablo Rodríguez wrote:
>>> Thanks for your answer, Hans. Sorry for not answering before (these days
>>> I find myself installing a new computer and moving data into it).
>>> It seems that the task is more difficult than I thought (although
>>> x-contm.tex seems a very interesting example to begin with).
> Since this thread is also talking about some tools, I'll complete the list  
> with dbcontext ( on which I contribute, that  
> translates DocBook to ConTeXt via XSL stylesheets. I guess that many  
> aspects could be directly handled by context.

Thanks for your answer. I know that XML can be converted to
TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt using XSL, but my XML is TEI (
and not DocBook. If I would use XSL transformation, I guess it would be
easier (at least for me) to adapt the already existing TEI-XML->LaTeX
XSL files and adapt them to ConTeXt. I wonder (out of ignorance) whether
this would be a better way than parsing the XML directly with ConTeXt.


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