Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> Not sure if the following are new behaviors or are the correct ones but
> I'm just misunderstanding.  The following jjj.tex file doesn't correctly
> generate and include the static metapost figure unless I set
> \runMPgraphicstrue and \runMPTEXgraphicstrue in cont-sys.rme and set
> shell_escape = t.

Personally, I believe this is a bug. Hans always runs with all
three switches true, so he never has any problems, but Mojca and I
also regularly have issues like this. The last of those was the
incorrect scaling of sometxt() in \runmpgraphicsfalse reported
two or three weeks back.

Hans, can you look at this, please? Or, if you don't want to support
\runmpgraphics false any more, document that somewhere.

Best, Taco

> If \runMPgraphicsfalse and \runMPTEXgraphicsfalse but shell_escape = t,
> then the generated pdf figure is only 1pt wide but is included.  If all
> settings are false, then there's a grey square saying 'dummy' etc.
> It all works fine if all three settings are true.
> But I thought that one can leave all three settings false, and texexec
> will still produce the same pdf just with more runs?
> This is with context 2006.12.27 (from the Debian context package),
> pdftex 1.40.0, metapost 0.993, plus mostly texlive 2005.
> =================== begin: jjj.tex ==================
> \starttext
> \startstaticMPfigure{fig:ellipse}
>   path p;
>   p := fullcircle scaled 2in yscaled 0.5;
>   label(btex hello etex, origin);
>   draw p;
> \stopstaticMPfigure
> \placefigure[right,none]{}{\usestaticMPfigure[fig:ellipse]}
> \input tufte
> \stoptext
> ===================   end: jjj.tex ==================
> -Sanjoy
> `A nation of slaves is always prepared to applaud the clemency of their
>  master who, in the abuse of absolute power, does not proceed to the
>  last extremes of injustice and oppression.'  (Gibbon)  
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