On Mon, 5 Feb 2007, The Wizard wrote:

> All -
> I am creating simple tables like this
> \starttable[|l|l|l|l|]
> \HL
> \VL \bf Time Frame \VL \bf SAN A \VL \bf SAN B \VL \bf SAN C \VL \AR \HL
> \VL 10pm to 6am - Backup \VL 1500 MB/s \VL 1500 MB/s \VL 1500 MB/s \VL
> \AR \HL
> \VL 6am to 10pm – NBU Vaulting \VL \rightarrow \VL \rightarrow \VL
> 4500MB/s \VL \AR \HL
> \stoptable
> The table is created fine, but I would like it to be "centered" in the
> surrounding text. The current table starts at the left page margin,
> rather than where the text starts. Is there a simple way to "indent" the
> left edge of the table to match the surrounding text? I have tried using
> \setuptables[align=middle], but it seems to have no effect.

You can use

\midaligned{\starttable ... \stoptable}

or (untested)

    {\starttable ... \stoptable}

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